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Your Journey. Your Money.
Your Decision.
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A New Kind of Health Savings Account (HSA) Platform
Health Savings Accounts
for Today and Future
We Are Different
Broker Advantages
- SelfcareHSA offers a competitive incentive program and the flexibility to pass through as a discount to your clients
- With no monthly minimums, group setup or renewal fees, we appeal to employers of all sizes
- Quick and easy registration process can have your clients up and running in 1-2 days
Service and Security
- Security in its best form. MFA via phone, text or email
- Secure Message Portal allows you to declutter your email inbox
- Helpful tools and resources available 24×7 online and in mobile app
- Bilingual employer and employee email and phone support
Your Employer Clients will appreciate you!
- No monthly minimums, no group setup or renewal fees
- Company administrators easily add or modify permissions
- Easy and convenient enrollment
- Bilingual employer and employee email and phone support
- Contributions via ACH for swift processing
- Simplified contribution and enrollment files through drag and drop
- Single view dashboard with key trends and data
- Simple company profile maintenance
- Customized permission access at the touch of a button
- Customizable alerts by permission group
Your Client’s Employees will appreciate the Experience!
- 100% mobile enabled HSA
- Replace lost, stolen or damaged debit cards with just one click online or from the mobile app
- Low minimum requirement to invest
- Seamless investment enrollment & funding program
- Simple to use, easy to understand
Get Started Today!
A New Kind of Health Savings Account (HSA) Platform
Powered by Sunwest Bank
Custodian, Member FDIC
Tel: 866.HSA.SELF (866.472.7353)
[email protected]